
suggesting videos to be included in the video repertoire

Aah sorry, nevermind my last suggestion ... it appears he has split up the game in three different videos since I last watched it. Guess that makes things too complicated for the viewer, then ...
IM John Bartholomew has the BEST chess channel on YouTube, in my opinion – check him out!
Unfortunately, he basically only does live commentary videos... It seems this kind of content doesn't fit the video library, or am I wrong?
Sometimes he does other stuff too, like when he analysed (using his game from a tournament he competed:
Also live commentary (comments registered live) might be included just by labelling them with the correct tags (live, analysis, etc.). That's the power of tags. Who is interested in those kind of videos will be able to find them.
#12, very interesting. I think it would help to have a function that let video curators start a video at a later time than the start (e.g. 2 minutes into the video).
#14: that is supported by youtube directly. just have to decide where the video has to start and embed it in the url (done by youtube as well).

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