

how to get to 2000

only play classical
until 2000 if you are stuck at chess

sometimes you can get on a losing streak
don't play games then

and sometimes you can be on a winning streak
play more games than usual

sometimes you can get from a winning streak to a losing streak

never make stupid moves this may help you

blunders; think about your move does it lose a piece is there a checkmate mate in1 or 2

can u capture ur opponents piece

if you want to get extremely good at chess while you are playing analys in your brain not cheating or you will get banned what are ur possibilities in a long classical what will your opponent play which move will they play out of your possibilities then all the moves that don't work eliminate them then what will your play out of the remaining possibilities so and so on....... until you fig one or two moves you can't eliminate and play them

the average rating is 1300

think about the benifits of your move and your position

what top 5 moves the computer may chose of course not if your opponent captures a piece you play the best move which most of the time is taking the piece that your opponent captured

don't resign play until the the end even f the position looks hopeless there always will be a possibility that your opponent makes a big blunder[save those rating points the chance will increase that you will get 2 2000+ rating if you save those rating points

never look at your opponent rating because you get scared if your opponents rating is very high so you don't play as well and get overconfident if your opponents rating is to low and can make very silly mistakes and lose or draw and lose rating points so go to blindfold mode if that is a common problem for you

usually high rated people think that i'm so high rated i don't want to lose any rating points and then people overtake them any complaints message me @IsaacDan

sometimes you get bored of chess [ for the ones who think me getting bored at chess what rubbish is that] it is quite common always take a rest or you could get a tilt and that can get bad to worce
here moves of chess openings i recomend to get to 2000


fill the rest in with your own imagination

go on board editor for those who are bad at endgames

  1. never play too much chess
  2. play in lots of tournaments
  3. play about 30 chess games a week and 50 puzzles a day
  4. play more rapid and classical than blitz and bullet almost never hyperbullt or ultrabullet
  5. don't get addicted to chess
  6. play 4 hours of chess a week maybe 5
  7. go to studies a lot
  8. analys your games
  9. see if there is a move that's better if you find a good moves
  10. lisen to advice
  11. chess is related to maths usually if your good at chess you will be good at maths
  12. don't play chess till late

if you want more go to [@IsaacDan](/@/IsaacDan)

remember all my advice 
if follow me so i can make more blogs
message me for  more studies