
How good are they?

Black has a pretty poor opening with 2. ...Nf6, but white fails to capitalize on it by pinning the knight to black's king (playing instead 5. d4). There's a lot of blunders too, scattered through the game. White misses a queen with 34. gxf3 instead of 34. Rxf7 (34. ...Qxf7 35. Qxf7) and a potential mate if black blunders and misses it with Rf8+ followed by Qg8#. Even for a 5 minute game I don't think it looks very good.
I can GUARANTEE you one of them was cheating.
There are some problems with your analysis Bravery (not sure if it was tongue-in-cheek, if so, disregard this).

34. Rxf7 would get mated on g2.
2. ...Nf6 is the Petrov and is very well regarded at all levels.
As macco said they played the well known petrov defense. Actually they played the main/classical variation (here the link:

About the game itself, even for an elite grandmaster is very hard to be so accurate in such a short game. However, I am not going to judge weather they cheated or not. That is up to the admins. In any case, beautiful game. =)
uhh bravery... the opening was all theoretical so what are you babbling about? How does 5.Qe2 capitalize on the knight? mistakes in analysis are one thing but if you are going to try and slay an opening you could at least check theory first...

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