
Do you struggle to sometimes understand stockfish positional ideas?

The problem you have is that you believe Stockfish has positional ideas. A typically good human position is a flexible structure which fruitful future ideas may spring. Whereas Stockfish can evaluate a position as good if it contains a single rigid line of 15 depth at the end of which you have an additional pawn, and all deviations from the best moves result in a losing position.
@OctoPinky said in #40:
> ...maybe yes, as it was clear that my Queen was
> worse so I would benefit from an exchange ...
I am no endgame authority, but, as I understand it, there are many examples of drawn rook-and-pawn positions where one side has an extra pawn and is nevertheless unable to use it to win. 19...Bc6 20 Qa5 Qd8 21 Qxd8 Rxd8 22 Bf3 does not result in a rook-and-pawn endgame, but perhaps it would have produced something somewhat akin to one of those drawn positions.
@kindaspongey said in #42:
> 19...Bc6 20 Qa5 Qd8 21 Qxd8 Rxd8 22 Bf3 does not result in a rook-and-pawn endgame, but perhaps it would have produced something somewhat akin to one of those drawn positions.

I can't check it right now but, looking at some ouputs from the engine, it is not the case as b-c-pawns will be able to advance when removing Knights...

If you keep Knights on board, White Knight is extremely annoying for Black, while Black Knight is passive, almost blocked by the threat Ra8.
@OctoPinky said in #43:
> ... If you keep Knights on board, ...
That is the position, about which, I was trying to speculate.
@sammgus said in #41:
> The problem you have is that you believe Stockfish has positional ideas. A typically good human position is a flexible structure which fruitful future ideas may spring. Whereas Stockfish can evaluate a position as good if it contains a single rigid line of 15 depth at the end of which you have an additional pawn, and all deviations from the best moves result in a losing position.

Yeah this is brutal imagine if you could think as fast as speed of a pc, everyone would play atleast im level lmao
OP and others, you may want to try analysing with older versions of Stockfish which had hand crafter evaluation function (probably before SF 11 or SF 12). With older versions, I believe it is possible to print a breakdown of the position in terms of king safety, mobility, and other parameters.
@kajalmaya said in #47:
> OP and others, you may want to try analysing with older versions of Stockfish which had hand crafter evaluation function (probably before SF 11 or SF 12). With older versions, I believe it is possible to print a breakdown of the position in terms of king safety, mobility, and other parameters.

I didn't even know that

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