
"Azmaiparashvili is a Cheating Scumbag"- Greg Shahade

Looks like I have rustled some jimmies with my wrong think. That's good. Progress is only made outside of the comfort zone.

My point is that most of today's forms of so called "Racism" are pathetic shallow, and pedantic. They are microaggressions taken as if they are physical violence.

It's all one big left wing circle jerk in university echo chambers full of spineless degenerate filth as if they are panicky little worms always living in fear of the big bad bird that they imagine will gobble them up. Most of whom have never even seen a REAL bird. "Birds are monsters, OH NO I HEARD A CHIRP!!!"

As for "Gypsy" being a racial slur it is not. Only hyper sensitive butt hurt people take it as so. That's like saying "Jew" is a racial slur.

It's more a matter of context really, and can sometimes be taken as offensive. The key word being "taken". One does not "give offense". Offense can only be taken. It is a personal choice if you are offended so easily. This of course is only applicable to words, and not actions. For instance if I called you "fat and ugly" then it's on you to take that in, and hurt you or not, where as if I smacked you with a baseball bat... that aint on you not to get hurt. There is a difference.

I'll give you a little history on the run down of "racist words".

Back in the day "Colored" or "Colored people" were used as the most polite term for a someone with high levels of melanin.

Later on it became a "no no word". That's bad m-kay! call them "Negro" now. Negro is the polite term. Negro was considered a very friendly term. There are organizations even that still use that name such as "The united negro college fund", and MLK even referred to himself as negro. It wasn't bad it was polite. Negro is literally just the Spanish word for black.

Then that civil rights movement got a rolling... "Hey cracker, we aint negro no mo. We be black now. Don't be using negro no mo!" alright black guy. Your black now, that's the respectful term. I think Malcolm X was a big part of the "Black power movement" and that got the word "Black" in the lexicon.

Kept on rolling with that civil rights movement... Negro long as dust in the past. What was once respectful now viewed as archaic and insensitive.

Then comes "African American" I think Jessie Jackson was a big part of popularizing that. However "black" stayed somewhat with it, and just nipping at the heals behind "African American" as the right word.

Now though, those 2 words got problems too. You see not all dark skinned people are from Africa. It probably aint right to call a person from Haiti or Jamaica African American. Also black kinda leaves out the lighter skinned dark skinned people who got more of a caramel colored skin.

So it has been decided that now the proper lexicon is "People of Color" or "POC"...

Think about this little journey we went on.

Starting with "Colored people is bad!"
Ending with "People of color is good!"

To continue on with this cycle is an exercise in insanity.

20 years from now it will be "Melanin Gifted Individuals" or "MGI."

20 years after that when "African American" has become the new "Negro", and is at that point offensive it will be "Americanized people of African decent" or "Apoad"...

I'm here to toss a monkey wrench into this chaotic retarded no no word machine that doesn't do anybody any good.

End rant #2

I agree with your post. Out of all my interactions and forum activity here, I have been offended this many times: 0

I have said this before and I will repeat it here; many people on this site actually seek to be offended. It seems their day is not fulfilled unless they find something to be offended about. I think this has to do with that generation's upbringing and social propaganda; among other factors.

On a different website, these people would be given an award for their sensitivity and thin skin. Here it is:
FIDE Organizer: Go change your shorts you gypsy.
Kovalyov: Wtf why are you speaking to me like that?
You: OMG LOL when will these PC snowflakes stop being offended!!!

"It's all one big left wing circle jerk in university echo chambers full of spineless degenerate filth". Sounds like you're the one with rustled jimmies m8.

None of what you said is related to chess at all, so why are you getting so triggered?
When did race become a part of this? I thought this was just a corrupt guy being a dick.
@lurarose i agreed with what you said, but I don't think Kovlayov cared that Azmaiparashvili said he looked like a gipsy. I think that Kovlayov just refused to let Azmaiparashvili push him around, so he left.
Islanders from Bermuda would take great offence at calling his shorts "Bermuda's". It's disgraceful the lack of respect given to the classic attire. Kovalyov's shorts were a cheap, no doubt knock-off brand of a "Madras" short worn by penny-less surfers from California. (I know, this will no doubt be called a "racist" comment but surfers are not a race but an ethnic group and nobody likes Californians)

2ndly... You do not wear socks with shorts ! Talk about being slovenly dressed as the socks weren't even rolled up but allowed to bunch up about the ankles. And that t-shirt advertising some silly logo about beer or something. Hey ! Don't forget that patheitic hoodie. 2 sizes too big, a clashing mismatch in color with the cheapo madras shorts.
We found our poster boy to represent the World's top players at the biggest event of the year! The general public surly will understand it's anyone's right to dress like a slob, as Sponsors have absolutely no right to tell anyone how to dress.
Since we are having fun with youtube videos.

I think this video illustrates my point fairly well.

A few little punk kids, age maybe 10-12. They weigh like 80 pounds wet. They were apparently smoking some weed according to the black people in this video, and one of them called the black couple the ultimate no no word trolling them, talking some smack.

There is a grown ass black man, and a grown ass black woman. These are grown adults in this video.

The black couple had multiple courses of action at this point. Here are the main 4 I can think of.

Course 1: My course if I were in the black mans shoes. Stay calm. Shake my head, laugh it off. Maybe make a joke back at the kids, and just be friendly in general, but at the same time express that such words can hurt peoples feelings, and it's not nice to treat people with disrespect like that.

Effect: Best chance for a win here. Turn the other cheek, and take pity on the racist kids. Perhaps show them your humanity, and they will no longer think of you as less than them. You win, and the kids win. Win win.

Course 2: Throw a temper tantrum like a petulant child with a dirty diaper. Feeding into the troll giving them exactly what they want.

Effect: Good youtube video, but people laugh at you, and no problem solved. Win for kids lose for you.

Course 3: Pull out a gun and shoot the kids because words are violent.

Effect: Dead kids, you go to prison. Lose for the kids, and lose for you.

Course 4: Not being satisfied with any of the above options, and feeling it is a moral imperative to get some form of justice for the situation do things calmly. Perhaps speak with the kids parents or guardian calmly and try to get them grounded.

Effect: Results unknown. It really depends on the kids parents. This is a gamble. However you are not going to lose in this situation, and the kids have a great chance of getting in trouble so they will likely lose.

What would you do?

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