
TOR and the deep/dark web

Has anybody ventured onto the deep web? If so, what were your experiences?
yes some guy hired a hitman to kill his leader
There's no such thing, everything's pretty shallow.
Pretty much what go90 said. From my own experience, the main difference in how the deep web is used compared to the clear web, is that websites are discovered by word-of-mouth instead of search engines. There are still indexes of course (mostly of anarchists' websites), but the 'web of trust' element is universal across the deep web, even for big sites like Silk Road.
I've heard controversial arguments about the anonymity of using TOR browsers, although I use it, I'm wondering if there are better ways of browsing the underground internet. Would you have any suggestions?
I go there with Thor for a couple hours… It’s not for me… I don’t find anything special because I not interesting in buy drug or a gun. I think it’s the only thing you can do in deep web is buy illegal stuff and maybe meet hackers… The things I’m interesting are in normal web, movies, games, programs, sites (information). Any way if you think there is something there that is worth to see it, share the link :)
As much as I'd love to post some URLs, I don' think the administrators would approve of sharing possibly illegal material or attracting law breakers. I don't know...
I have. But you can't talk about most of the things you find in there to keep anonymity. Even so, the deep web is designed to give people a level of anonymity, so one example of things you can find in there is silk road..remember that market where people ought drugs for cryptos, there is a ton of stuff like what you found in silk road but really sick shit , child porn, NSF-gore, killings and seriously stuff you dont wanna see. If you want just download Tor and see for youself, but my advice is that you connect with a goal, what is your purpose there or you will be lost in a bunch of links full of gross stuff.- The lord is with you.
There is a whole new world down there. What we see in the internet is barely 10% of the real world network.

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