
cheat detected?!

Guys how to see with which anti cheater i have lost notifications just comes like you have lost to a cheater in blitz and if i click it my profile comes up what to do any idea?
@smnsmiley You can hover over the names of your last X opponents. One of them will either have their account be closed, or a red "Player uses chess computer assistance" mark below their nickname.

@finlip "Cheat Detected" can happen without intent, as it's an autoflag for using Analysis board with the same position as in a game. But now imagine: I play a 7day/move Correspondence game in the Ruy Lopez. Then, 2 months into the game, I see while prepping for my next OTB opponent that he plays the Ruy. Attempting to refresh my knowledge, I open the Analysis board, and click around a bit. At some point, I suddenly get a notification that I just lost my Correspondence game to "Cheat detected". Getting marked as a cheater for this would be a bit.. off, as I had no actual intent to cheat, but merely forgot about the Correspondence game. Losing the game is of course still the right course, but marking is not required.
@IsaVulpes Maybe mark, and after they explain their case, unmark in that particular case. By the way, I have upto 100 14 day correspondence games going on and before my lichess4545 series games, I do open the analysis board to prepare sometimes.
I was awarded extra points in a tournament and won it. The culprit confessed in the chat to his captain. He had switched tabs too many times during the games. All on record.

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