
"Azmaiparashvili is a Cheating Scumbag"- Greg Shahade

I seldom agree with Greg on anything, but here it's difficult to disagree.
Not Greg's biggest fan myself, but his blog posts are usually on point!
Wow, Azmaiparashvili actually bothered to pay people to give him his rating. If he was a "real" FIDE executive, he would have just bought his GM title
Regarding the general apathy towards these incidents from the world's best players, Shahade writes, "...I’m not going to hold it against everyone for staying quiet and continuing to play chess under the auspices of known cheaters and bullies."

In all honestly, I think he's being overly lenient.

The first line of the fellow's Wikipedia biography is amusing. "Zurab Azmaiparashvili is a chess Grandmaster and criminal from Georgia."
It will be hilarious if next round Magnus or someone high profile-ish turns up wearing same kind of shorts
My critique of the article:

Every time I hear some cry baby say "racist" nowadays it just goes in one ear, and out the other as I cringe, and shake my head. The man called someone a "gypsy" which I didn't even know is a racial slur now I guess... he didn't lynch someone, or burn a cross on their lawn, or even deny someone a seat on a bus.

Reminds me of such times when a white person dared to wear dreadlocks and got called out for "cultural appropriation".

Reminds me of when they cast a white actor in a black role or vice versa. All the nasty tweets with rage, and tears.

The article comes off as blatant, and repugnant virtue signaling. "He called me a no no word! feel bad for me!"... "Look look he allegedly cheated at chess decades ago too!" Then they do not get in to how exactly he cheated either. It was a 4 person tournament, and two GMs performed very poorly, and the other two did well. It could be cheating sure, or the two that played like crap could have been having a bad day... Maybe they had gone out drinking the night before (they were Russians after all... oh no is a stereotype racist!? Who really cares? Toughen up buttercup!)

end rant... Someone had to say it
And someone had to say you're completely clueless. Dress code doesn't say you can't wear shorts and I actually don't know the difference between normal shorts and Bermuda shorts. Azmaiparashvili also stole Kasparov's work and sold it to his students.
He obviously cheated in that tournament. He still has a high place in FIDE. This is unacceptable. The thing is not the word gypsy is a racist or not insult. It is an insult.
This is also unacceptable. Anton's reaction may or may not be so good. This doesn't make Zurab's behavior good or acceptable.
@lurarose Where to begin with your idiocy...

OK firstly, you are aware that you can be racist in how you talk? You don't have to burn crosses or deny people seats. Gypsy has always been a racist term, it's not recent. Just because you didn't know that, doesn't mean it isn't true.

Secondly, even if you don't believe it's racist, how is it acceptable for Zurab to speak to him in that way simply for wearing shorts?

"Reminds me of such times when a white person dared to wear dreadlocks and got called out for "cultural appropriation"". How is that even related? LMAO

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