
GM Feynman and Friends

4 members

Password to Join - Feynman
Thank You!!!!!!!
Win Standard Chess Tournaments

Training When announced to you guys/girls
This is normally a standard chess team there will be some RK tournaments.But most of it is standard Thanks!
Copyright-not allowed
If copyrighted / whoever copyright will get sue for $5.0m!️️️
Thanks for cooperation!

There will points for joining tournaments
1st 15p
2nd 10p
3rd 8p
4th 5p
5th 2p
6th 1p
7th - last 0p

Can be used to redeem things!

1.Don't ask for leadership
2.Don't advertise teams
3.Bon't break the TOS in lichess
4.Your account cannot be banned
5.Must have at least 10 rated rapid
6.Have Fun
7.Don't break the rules of above

If you do any of the above you will get kicked by our team leaders
If you do anything bad you will get warned for 3 times then later you will get kicked

Friendly teams

The Revengers of India(TRI)

Standard and RK OFC(Feynman)(SR)

GM Feynman and Friends(GMF)

Speed Chess Youtube(SCY)

Thanks For Joining and cooperation!!!!!!!!!!!


1.Leadership 1050p
2.+1 p to another member(PTAM) 1p
3.+5 PTAM 5p
4.+10 PTAM 10p
5.Free 5 days leader 400p
*Note to leaders add more things at shop if have idea