
Fellows Of The Rings part 2

King Of The Rings book 1

Chapter 1-6 in part 1
Chapter 7 Part Two of Daragorn's Story.
Chapter 8 The Story Behind the Mysterious Lake.

Chapter 7 Part Two of Daragorn’s story.

Daragorn said “The spies were running all ways but none escaped brandolf’s sword.” A little tiny frown was starting to come on daragorn’s face “oh and also none escaped my sword either. After we finished those spies off we went running to a town called benjimans town. And it has a good reason to be called benjimans town, that reason is because the fonder of that town was called benjiman.” A tiny frown turned into a smile “I never really liked that town but I had to go there because brandolf said I must go there or some people would start to not like me. Well I did not like people liking me a lot, but I do not like people not liking me at all. It was a run for time because benjiman said race you to getting a big horse to up the hill in less than thirty minutes. He was going to do it as well” before daragorn could say another word there was a cry of “charge” from the bushes, it came from the leader of dorc spy armies, armies because he has leaded many dorc armies. There was a huge battle daragorn said “cheer up whobits, we shall win this third battle” he said third because this was the third battle the whobits had seen on that day. What a brave team.

The whobits were dodging the swords easily. There was a yell from the leader of the dorcs. The yell sounded like, “jig the hit blue tea”. Which means in the talk of most races, “ahhh retreat”. The whobits were so surprised to see the dorcs running away as if in retreat. “Now back to the story” said Daragorn “Now as I was saying I started to search for a big horse, once I found one I saddled it and I rode it all the way up the hill. Which made me the winner, when benjiman saw I beat him he cried out ‘how is this possible, you couldn’t have beat me. You must have cheated.’ I replied ‘I did not cheat’ he didn’t believe me and he gave me that big horse I had taken up the hill.” Daragorn had a big smile his face. Daragorn smiled because he was happy. Then all of a sudden his horse came jumping out of nowhere. This scared the whobits. Daragorn said “This is my horse, his name is lightning. I like him because he runs super fast, watch.” As Daragorn said watch lightning went running faster then a lightning strike would hit inner-earth. Dorgil the leader of the elves said “well, you’re horse couldn’t bear to stay waiting for you anymore. Well Daragorn you have one loyal horse.” Dorgil started to smile.

A minute latter brodo cried out “Dorgil has the ring of power for the elves!” All the elves frowned except dorgil. Dorgil said “brodo why didn’t you notice anything before, are you such a mule to think that I was not the leader of this pack of elves?” Now the whobits were frowning. Sham said “Mr Brodo is no mule. For one thing if anyone is a mule it is you Mr Dorgil. And two he is the bravest no the second bravest whobit I know. And three his cousin trusted him to take the ring of power for the whobits.” Dorgil started to blush. Dorgil blushed because he thought that Brodo would speak for himself, and because he was just told that he was the mule if anyone was. Brodo could see that Dorgil was surprised and shocked by sham so brodo said “Dorgil, I did not notice your ring because I didn’t think you would have it. And I am not a mule or a jack ass or a rabbit or any other type of animal.” Dorgil started to look very pale. Dorgil was starting to think that he was a silly elf. They (as in all the elves and whobits and the two men) went to try to catch up to the other thirty-eight men.

While they were on the road a shadow came other daragorn's face and he said “we are into a dark bit of my story, I was in this very place wondering ‘why am I here’ and someone or something said ‘you are here to pay a dorc a sword in his body for what he did to your father’ now when I heard this I was very scared because I was going to fight a dorc for hurting my father. A few seconds latter I heard footsteps that were very dorcish. I went to hide then I saw a whole army of dorcs my horse lightning had stayed quite quiet. So quiet I thought he was dead with fear when all of a sudden he charged at some of the dorcs. I knew I needed to go and help him. With my fast arms and his fast hooves we beat all of those dorcs in about half an hour. But we felt a very cold feeling after we finished. The feeling was one of being in a not fair position but actually our enemy was in a not fair position.” Daragorn started to look uneasy as if he had just remembered something he would have wanted to forget. A second latter the horses and ponies stopped. The horses stoped cause there was a lake in front of them and because they sensed something strange. The ponies stoped because the horses stoped.

Chapter 8 The Story Behind the Mysterious Lake.

Daragorn said “This lake has a very mysterious tale. It is said that some men and a lad were in a tent and floated down this river, and they were fast asleep when all of a sudden they awoke startled by a sound that was very mysterious. It sounded like this, Stomp! Splash! Smash! Boom! Doom! Then all of a sudden a voice said ‘my name is noisy I ruin sleep and make people attack the sea monster.’ Now this scared the men and lad a lot. I was one of those men. The others were ben who is with me right now, ben’s brother Steve who dove into the water and died, my brother named Pete who tried to save Steve and got killed by something under water, and the lad was called Matthew. Matthew was almost thirteen when he dove under water and killed the monster and then came back out of the lake alive. The name of the monster was ... it was called Benjamin’s Sea Monster.”

The whobits were horrified when they heard all the sounds Daragorn and the rest (Ben, Steve, Pete and Matthew) heard a few years before. Then all of a sudden someone said “Hi, my name is BFGF short for Big Friendly Giant Forever. I was called this because I was told that I would be the nicest giant alive forever.” Daragorn started to have a weird face. Daragorn’s face looked as if he was surprised, scared, startled and happy all at once. The Whobits all said “Hello Mr BFGF, it is nice to meet you.” The whobits started to tell BFGF all about themselves from The knock at the door - when they heard all those noises. The BFGF said “you thought I was the giant in that story? Well that is a funny thing, by the way my fathers father was that giant.” Daragorn was astonished. Daragorn yelled “Your grandpa was the person who almost scared me and my friends to death about twenty years ago!?!” Now the BFGF was astonished. The BFGF said “yes it was my grandpa. Were you the tall thirteen year old that jumped out of the tent to kill the monster?” The whobits were starting to smile. Daragorn said “no he was my friend we are going to see him soon. I was the leader of that little group.” The BFGF started to look joyful. The BFGF said “can I come to? I heard that forty giants were being called to go to somewhere called bevendale.” The Whobits and elves and men were astonished. The whobits said “that’s were we are headed. So of course you can come with us. The more the merrier.”

Daragorn asked the BFGF “could you by any chance tell us anymore about Benjamin’s Sea Monster?” The BFGF started to look a little scared. But the BFGF said “sure, the sea monster was a very scary creature no-one ever dared to try to kill it except for your young friend called Matthew. Few ever lived to tell about seeing that evil thing. My grandfather was about forty and I was a baby. After he saw Matthew kill the evil sea monster he ran home and died from shock.” The BFGF stoped to catch his fall, he fell because he was leaning to far towards the lake. His fall made a big splash.

After BFGF dried himself he said “I have very few memories of my grandfather because he didn’t live to see me walk and talk. You see no giant has any memories from before they walked or talked.” The whobits were shocked. Daragorn was not. The whobits asked “why don’t giants have memories from before they were able to walk and talk?” BFGF was not surprised by this question. But BFGF was surprised that only the whobits asked and not the rest. BFGF said “because our Bains don’t fully build up until we get to walking and talking.” After the giant finished saying that heaps of dorcs came charging through the woods.

Because the giant was so big and tall he could just step on his enemies. When the BFGF put his foot down the dorcs had not even enough time to swing they're swords or to scream. The dorcs started to retreat. They retreated because the giant had killed the leader and because they just noticed that there was a giant with the whobits, elves and men. There was a scream here and then all of a sudden someone said “hello mister giant” the giant was so surprised. The BFGF looked for the dorc that said that and soon as the giant saw that specific dorc he stepped on it.

After the dorcs were defeated a shiny thing came flying it was something they all (except for Daragorn) had never seen ever in their lives. Everyone standing there heard a voice, this voice was coming from inside their heads. The voice said “that thing you see in front of thee you must bring to me or help will not come to thee. If passage through any gate is what thee seek you have to answer a riddle if you answer wrong passage will not be granted, but if thee answer correctly and wisely passage will be granted to thee.” This was one of the only things known or not known to be done by a famous swordsman.

Next Time We Find Out If Our Friends The Group Of Elves, Men and Whobits can trust this voice or not.