
A new milestone: 300 users of LiChess Tools. Thank you all for the interest!

ChessAnalysisSoftware DevelopmentLichess
A status report on the LiChess Tools browser extension

Did I jump the gun? Is the number going to go down now? NO! People are enthusiastically using LiChess Tools with all of its options so I have no choice than to just as enthusiastically maintain and develop it.

Some of the newly added features:

  • automatically find interesting moves in your computer analysis (think little brother of brilliant moves from
  • notification of unread timeline posts (configurable for which types you want to consider)
  • showing evaluations of moves in the Explorer (three different sources - four if lichess changes their CSP policy - and a warning icon for moves that could be gambits or traps)
  • locking the screen (no accidental scroll or zoom) while playing on mobile.

As always, I welcome (read desperately crave) feedback. Now you have a feedback form directly in the Preferences!

Thank you again for sharing this journey with me! Let's make this great!