

BDE Part 2 Ep. 4 - Ms. Blue Skye

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Add Some Soy Sauce To The Ramen
BDE Part II Episode IV-Life changes

~Previously, On Best Day Ever:
Skye runs from Chelsea and Ramsey, determined to find her sister, meanwhile, Rico, Raven, and Voira, end up at V's house in upstate New York, making it a home for the holidays while they wait for Antuans return. Antuan is chased through his own city by bounty hunters, all of which want a piece of him. He then ends up in Venice Beach, California, face to face with the second member of the Three Saviors, who offers to help him find the asset, and protect the safety of the multiverse from the grip of the Invisible Order, and those who want to kill Skye.



          She sat there, on the bus stop bench, examining her suroundings. She didn't know where to go, or what to do. The past two days had been a blur. She assumed Chelsea was trying to find her. Because, ya know, she was the key to saving the multiverse, not like that was important to her. All Skye cared about was finding a way back to her sister.

          She looked around, and watched the rain droplets as they fell onto the asphalt. In her ear, a J.cole song played, talking about sacrifices. 

          She shivered as she stood up. Where was she supposed to go? She was in a world she had never been in before. She only had two hundred dollars in her pocket. In her own world, she'd never even been to New York. I need to get a phone she thought to her self. There's got to be somewhere to buy a phone around here.


          On top of everything else that had happened, she had forgotten the fact that she threw Chelsea across the room with her bare hands. Like that made any sense, but then again nothing that had happened in the past two days had made any sense. So that was honestly the least of her concerns.

          As she walked, she caught someone who appeared to be trailing her, and her heart started racing. WHat if it was the people that Ant had been talking about?

          She started walking faster, continuously looking behind her. The man in the black hoodie was still following her, and getting closer. She started sweating she didn't know what to do. They probably had guns, and other weapons. There was no way that she could beat them with just her hands. Shit

          Now she was jogging down the wet street, and the man in black was right on her trail. F***. SHe cut into an alleyway, and felt herself fall as she looked backwards. She was being careless. 
"Oww" She said as she looked at her knee, the ashphalt ad scraped through her jeans to the skin, and she was bleeding, but she didn't have time to do anything. She had to go.

          She started running again, and a drake song was playing in her ear. The world around her began to feel light, and her body warm. What was happening? What was she experiencing? 

          She wiped her forehead, and then looked back to see the person pursuing her. There were two of them now. And the alley was at a dead end. What was she supposed to do? It's not like she could climb walls.
"Who are you?" She yelled as they got closer. They didn't respond. She could see the evil smiles on the two men's faces. God that was creepy. 


          They were twenty feet away now. What was she supposed to do? She couldn't let them take her. She had to get to Raven. She had to see her sister again.

Just. Breathe.

          She put her palms out towards the attackers, and the world seemed to slow down for a second, as a dark energy passed through her body. Then, the two attackers went flying to the end of the alleyway. She opened her eyes, to see the two bodies sitting there on the ground, there limbs twisted, and blood coming from there eyes. She fell to her knees, all the energy leaving her body. What had she done? 

          She felt the warm tears come down her face. She had power. Did she even want it? Those men were going to kill her. Did that make killing them justified? What if they had families? Kids? But the other voice in her head argued with her. This is a kill or be killed world, you had no choice, she told her self. She was becoming something different. Someone different. Was this really who she wanted to become? God, this world was so different.


          Skye stood up, and her entire body shivered. She slowly walked towards the end of the alleyway, where the two bodies were. The two people whose lives she had taken. It felt so wrong. She had just killed two people.

          She knelt down, ignoring the pain in her knee, and took the watch off of the larger mans wrist. She knew what it was. It was a less advanced version of the one that Antuan wore, the device he used to traverse the multiverse. She didn't exactly know how to use it, but knew that it worked off of voice commands.
          Skye strapped the device to her wrist, and then took the holster that was attached to the mans belt as well, and attached it to her thigh. It was a pistol that was similar to the one that she had kept in her appartament. That world that seemed so far long gone. So far away in the past. And she supposed thats all that it was at this point. The past.

          It was time for her to grow up. She needed to find her sister. She needed to get out of situation, and go back to having some semblance of a normal life, if that was even possible. God, her life had changed, she though as she strode out of the alley way, with a mission plan in her head. She knew what she needed to do, and she was going to do it.


          The people of New York paid no attention when the girl with tattered yet new looking clothes, and a blood covered face, walked out of the the alleyway on fifth street. They paid no attention to the holographic watch. They paid no attention to the Eminem music blasting from her phone, because her earbuds had died. They paid no attention to the Glock strapped to her hip. And they certainly paid no attention to the fact that she also had a bounty on her head, because they knew exactly what she had done to those men in that alleyway.

          They knew that a girl, a lost, scared, confused, and vulnerable girl had entered that alleyway, and a girl who would take the lifes of any one who stepped in her way walked out of that alley way. So when that girl disappeared in a blue flash, they breathed a sigh of relief. Because no one wants to die.

          Skye stood at the edge of the alleyway, and configured the device. It was just a simple AI, and she told it to find Antuan. It replied to her saying that the last place he was spotted in a place called Angel City, and she decided that was where she needed to go. She pressed a button, and she was gone.


          It was raining in Angel City when Skye arrived there. The water fell onto Skye's cheeks, and washed the blood from her face. Her blonde hair shined in the neon lights as she walked through the city, observing her surroundings. This landscape was still foreign too her, but it was certainly less strange than it had been a half hour ago.
"CC, have there been any sightings of him" CC was the Ai's name. And "him" was Antuan.
"No Ma'am" she had reprogrammed the watch to her liking, at least so it got her pronouns right.
"So this is the last place that he was spotted?"

         Skye looked around at the place she had arrived. It was certainly futuristc, and covered in a heavy smog. The neon light glowed through the clouds and reflected off the puddles of dirty rain. Angel City wasn't exactly a pleasant place.

         Skye's knee still had blood on it, and her clothes still tattered. She would definetly have to do something about that. She remembered that with Chelsea's device she had money on it. Maybe the watch that she had stolen had some too.

"Currency?" she spoke to the AI as she stood in front of a bustling club. Heavy bass music shook the ground.
"You have 60,00 rings at the current money" Holy sh*t, that was a lot of money. Rings were what the underground and several universes used as money. At least that's what Chelsea told her.
"Where is there a place for me to get some new clothes?" she asked the AI.
"About two blocks from here, however, they close in 17 minutes"
"How do I get there?"
"Just go straight, and you will see it" and she followed the instructions.


          Little did Skyonnah know, the leader of the division was still in Angel City, not far from her. To his great annoyance, they had not made any progress on finding her or Antuan. The two hunters he had sent to New York, where she had just left, had been killed in bloody fashion, and no one knew where the silent one was. So he just sat there sipping on a shot listening to a cyborg sing about the troubles of love. He was quite annoyed.




Antuan walked along the sidewalks of Venice Beach. The last thing he had been expecting to do was be having a conversation with her.

“You realize there’s a good chance you’ll die, right?” Antuan asked.
“I don’t care. I’m going to avenge my family, no matter what.” Antuan studied her face and the white mask that she wore.
Antuan sighed. 
Was there an alterior motive for her being here? “Alright,” he muttered and checked his holster.
He was ready to help, sure, but he was more worried about other things. Like his sister. She had been seen here. Or the girl. He didn’t even want to think about her, but he knew he should. She was an asset, to be used when he needed it. And right now, he needed to keep her alive. He didn’t want the world to end, and besides, he was supposed to protect her. And yet here he was, talking with a person he had just met moments ago and offering to help them, when he could be doing so many better things. He was in a multiverse, for f***s sake! If he was on this earth, he would never find them.

Antuan sat down and rubbed his eyes. Staring back at him was the dark aura of a Los Angeles he had only been in a few times before.
“So...what’s the plan?” The girl asked him.
“Well, I would love to help you right now, but I’m running on fumes, homegirl.” he told her
“I don’t understand.” The girl stared at him. Antuan stared back at her like she had three heads. Or eyes. He didn’t care at this point. It wasn’t like he could see anything anyway.
“That means I need to sleep.” Was he going to have to explain everything to her?
“Oh, then where?” She had no people skills. Clearly. Where the hell else would I sleep other than a bed.
“Well, I’ve been here before. I know a place. Lainey! The store still open here?”
“Yes sir!” Lainey, his AI assistant was always happy to help.
“Come on now. Let’s go!” He grabbed his new ally’s hand. Wherever they went in this new world, they were going to need to stay together. After all, two heads were better than one, as the saying went. But were they? Antuan wasn’t sure of anything now. All he knew was that he needed sleep, and fast.


          They appeared on the steps of a beautiful looking hotel. Inside, past the revolving door, there were people bustling. This was the central of the underground in Angel City.
"What is this place?" she asked him as they walked up the stairs towards the doors.
"This, is a hotel where we'll be safe until the morning"
And they walked inside, into the warm atmosphere.

          The concierge at the desk immeadietly recognized Jones, and chuckled a little.
"With the bounty on your head, this is where you decide to come?" Antuan smiled as they approached the desk. He placed three rings on the counter.
"I need two rooms"
"One night?"
"And will you be in need of any of our other services?"
"Yes, I will" Cherri was confused by what they meant by other services, but Antuan knew exactly what the concierge meant by other services.

          He reached under the desk and grabbed a two metal cards, one for each room, and handed one to each of them.
"Rooms 15 and 16, 21st floor" and they were on their way.

          Cherri looked around as they walked towards the elevator. She had taken off her white mask, revealing her face. She had short cropped black hair, that shined in the light, and was a head smaller than antuan. No one seemed to mind that she had a katana strapped to her back. The same way that no one seemed to mind that Antuan had a plethora of weapons on him. But once again, this was the underworld.

"So, your names Cherri?" Antuan asked as they stood in the elevator.
"Where'd you uh... get it"
"My mother"
"Nice" Antuan felt quite awkward.
"Any important details you'd like to disclose to me?"
"No" god she was awkward.
"cool" and they left the elevator. After getting in their rooms, they both imeadietly fell asleep. They had a busy day ahead. A day full of bloodshed, and slaughter. That was nothing new.

Episode 5 coming next week!

Thanks to @Savage_water for their art
Thanks to @Greenteakitten for helping me write
