
How to upload your moves into Lichess and create a study

ChessAnalysisChess engineTournament
How to upload your moves into Lichess and create a study

You had just completed a tournament and you want to upload the moves you had made into a study, so that you can analyze it with your coach or with the engine.

Here's a step by step guide to do that!

1. Click the tab "learn" and click "study"

2. Click the "Green Button" on the top right

3. Rename the name of the study: you can rename it anything you want. "Games to review" for example
4. Click the dropdown under Visibility to "Invite Only". so this study will be private and no one can access it without your permission.
5. Click the "Start" button at the bottom right

6. Name of Chapter: can be named as the name of the player you are playing against for eg
7. Orientation: choose white or black depending if you are playing as white or black
8. Click Create Chapter in blue at the bottom right

9. Once you are here, you can just start inputting the moves! just move the piece accordingly

10. you can always find your study by clicking "Learn" , then "study" then clicking "My private studies" cheers!

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