
Lichess Feedback

RepliesLast post
Lichess Loads slow on Mobile Hotspot - iPAD0
My Lichess has been badly lagging inspite of having thousand percent good internet connection.1
by Science_DragonS
playing to stockfish2
by Bouaouda
Puzzle feature to add5
by Bouaouda
Guys is this illigal?3
by KsEnIa_BiZhOvA
Why Don't I have a rank in atomic when I look at my profile page?2
by StephenPS
blitz (5+0) rating variations: something strange2
by mkubecek
Is this a new feature2
by StephenPS
You took 20 points for what should have been +3 points for me1
by mkubecek
[ BUG ] Blindfold mode doesn't work when using backgrounds other than light and dark.0
by thechosenbond
Voice Control3
by Spenolen
The tournaments didn't show for me to join0
by BotMaker12
The 'resign' button dosnt work3
by mkubecek
Timer bug5
by ashsensei
I can't join arena Tournaments2
by Dmitri_Fatkin