
Suggestion: creating me tactic puzzles only from my games

Would be great to have exercises taken from my own games, so they would aim to correct specific problems that I have in my play.
get a tutor or find a friend so that you can do game analysis together... If we had 1000 coders -- WE DON'T -- it would be inpractical... give thanks
I meant with some kind of an automated algorithm, the can extract situation in which there is a forced mate I missed or a series of strong moves I missed and can give it to me in the form of a puzzle
I am sure it is possible -- ? practical -- if these were the old Cold War Days, then it would be a great way of working the kinks out of the top 20 players in the chess Acadamy. I'm likely older than you... I would be happy to know why the opening puzzles always preach a6,h6,a3,h3 as good 'opening moves': I learned you were supposed to keep the wall intact (so you could react) rather than invite sacrafices.........
_____The post game analysis does this in a 'de facto' way.... If you see 'forced checkmate sequence lost' (I HAVE) -- Then you have the option to set up a real board & figure how to procede from that position.... A coder would most likely spool up an in-game analysis and retroactively generate the puzzle from the game position....
____ But this is not socialism (Socialism works until you run out of other people's money to spend)... the question I was bringing up in my first entry is: what is the cost-benefit of such a project... The modification of EXISTING game databases to generate puzzles at least provides a start....

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