
Can't connect to

I guess new comp. analysis involve some kind of code from My lovely firefox tries to connect there whenever i try for a comp. analysis but eventually i can't get the computer analysis completed message. also firefox still saying "connecting to"

sometimes after i gave up waiting and quit, i go from my profile to see that game and suddenly realized computer analysis are ready but again when i click on "see comp. analysis" same problem again. i somehow have a problem with And after all, i have some of my games' comp. analysis are ready and can be seen but some can't be seen. is there anyone with same problem?
The error message means the computer analysis has been calculated, but the chart cannot be displayed on your computer.

You might be behind a firewall.

It could also be that you are using an add-on for Firefox such as Ghostery or RequestPolicy, that help prevent being tracked on the internet by the likes of the NSA. These can prevent the chart from showing up. We assure you won't track you, by the way. ;)

Are you on a school or work computer? Typically these have a lot of restrictions.
i am on a personal computer. My old laptop :) It might be because of an add-on maybe but i don't use the mentioned add-ons. Adblock is the only add-on that block sth installed on my firefox. But i am using windows' standart firewall feature.

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