
Is there a way to petition for a ban of GM Sergey Karjakin & GM Shipov aka GM Crest64?

@royalblue04 said in #34:
> There was simply no intention tp place military installaions in the Ukraine. For the next 2 decades it was rather sure that the Ukraine had no option to enter the NATO. That only now has schgnaged. If the Ukraine surive this as a state and would like to enter The NATO - how could that be refused?
> There were no agression from NATO against Russia, simply because of the fact that with an agression is nothing to win and anything to loose. It is for nny Nation - how mighty they ever get - impossible to wage war upon Russia cause of their nuclear weapons. And as a said - for what reason? There is nothing to win. Gas, oil and coal in the past was simple to get and much, much cheaper than with any agression against Russia.
> So this is evil andd mean prppaganda what you tell. And China refuses any intervention in the souverinty of any stae as far as i know. With good reason.

I am sorry, but I have to respectfully digress with your subjective statements. On the first point of Ukraine joining NATO, even if Ukraine doesn't join NATO, it still doesn't change the fact that Ukraine's increasingly close relations to the West will be a strategic disadvantage towards Russia. It is analogous to having a surreptitious henchman from your nemesis stationed right in front of your house. No one would want that, and this is the rationale behind the invasion I was trying to explain in #6. Also, your comment on gas, oil, and coal is a complete fallacy. From the start of diplomatic tensions with Russia gas and oil prices have started to rise and this trend is continuing even more steeply, with no sign of stopping. This can be shown in this BBC article: Lastly, in regards to your comment about how I am spreading "evil and mean" propaganda, I have to inform you that this is purely what I believe to be the truth, I am not influenced by any state propaganda of neither Russia nor China, in fact I am in the UK right now and watch BBC regularly. I have supported my beliefs with reasons and analogies, and I have never outwardly supported this invasion, nor have I just blindly stated premises without any substantiation. Furthermore, it is not my problem that China is abstaining from intervention, what am I supposed to do? Go up to Xi JingPing with a gun and force him to join the intervention? Absurd! I have to again reiterate that you clearly don't understand the situation from all perspectives. You may have understood the West's perspective but have you fully understood Russia's? I doubt it.
Furthermore, a war need not be nuclear. A war can be fought on land and with infantry, as demonstrated in Ukraine. Your conclusion that any war in the present day would just jump straight to a nuclear one is both erroneous and unfounded.
The last reason why these GMs should not be banned is again because of the dubious nature of the invasion. Even the citizens in Ukraine itself cannot fully agree on whether the invasion is just. This can be shown by a recent French newsclip where a Ukrainian citizen who has immigrated to France expressed how her parents have remained in Ukraine and are in full support of the Russians. And before anyone tells me that the newsclip must have been mis-translated, I have approximately a GCSE understanding of French.
@griffindabeast said in #3:
> why would you ban someone on chess based on there political beliefs?

Because due to those political beliefs innocent people are dying in Ukraine. And I'd go further, I'd ban all russian players, never mind their beliefs, being in favor or not, they belong to a sanctioned country, period. bombs are falling on innocent people's heads, so should the sanctions on them.
@cbriceno82 said in #54:
> Because due to those political beliefs innocent people are dying in Ukraine. And I'd go further, I'd ban all russian players, never mind their beliefs, being in favor or not, they belong to a sanctioned country, period. bombs are falling on innocent people's heads, so should the sanctions on them.

Why don't we now ban every citizen who is part of the UN then. The UN staged multiple humanitarian interventions that resulted in civil war in the countries after all. What they did was arguably much worse than what Russia is doing right now.
@MondstaubMusik said in #1:
> In view of their support & justification of Putin's War against Ukraine, a sovereign country, i would like to know if there is a way to start a petition to ban GM Sergey Karjakin & GM Sergey Shipov aka GM Crest64 on lichess?
> As the world watches how Putin is committing War Crimes with a unjust War against Ukraine, i find it would be at least worth to ponder the thought of banning those who not only stand behind a man who committs war crimes but also actively cheer those atrocities!
> I hope & would love to think that such a display of malingant charakter has no place on lichess, hence my request to at least give this a thought or two.
@Samarthlohia said in #56:
So what? Have you anything to contribute to the topic? No or are you just here to troll? Aisa karega?
@MondstaubMusik said in #57:
> So what? Have you anything to contribute to the topic? No or are you just here to troll? Aisa karega?

By the way, even though I don't agree with your proposal, I'm interested in the 7 languages you are fluent in. Can you tell them to me?
@TheEccentricDuck said in #58:
> By the way, even though I don't agree with your proposal, I'm interested in the 7 languages you are fluent in. Can you tell them to me?
Sure i can! I grew up with 2 languages Raetho Roman & German. Plus French, Italian, Spanish, English & Hindi.
I also understand Marathi quiet well but writing is not so good. Urdu i understand as well yet i can't read or write arabic.
That's about it.
I don't agree with your position as well but you at least are able to discuss in acivil manner, that is positive & respect worthy. In stark contrast to some who resort to ad hominem attacks or even lower insults.
@MondstaubMusik said in #59:
> Sure i can! I grew up with 2 languages Raetho Roman & German. Plus French, Italian, Spanish, English & Hindi.
> I also understand Marathi quiet well but writing is not so good. Urdu i understand as well yet i can't read or write arabic.
> That's about it.
> I don't agree with your position as well but you at least are able to discuss in acivil manner, that is positive & respect worthy. In stark contrast to some who resort to ad hominem attacks or even lower insults.

Nice. I only know English, French, and Chinese. Not much compared to you. And yes, it is very respectable that you have also talked in a civil manner, unlike some users, who I will not mention.

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