
Is there a way to petition for a ban of GM Sergey Karjakin & GM Shipov aka GM Crest64?

@TheEccentricDuck said in #6:
> I disagree with #4. Even though Russia is committing war crimes in Ukraine, it does not signify that there is no rationale behind the invasion. The reason behind the invasion is clearly to ensure that the West and NATO doesn’t gain a strategic advantage over Russia first by placing military installations in Ukraine. Of course, Putin should have executed his endeavors more diplomatically and this war was certainly not a last resort, but #4s comment about the invasion having “no reason” behind it only demonstrates #4s lack of full comprehension in regard to this political crisis. Nothing is black or white, even in the case of an unjust war which should be condemned.

theres already 60 american nukes in germany and much more conventional rockets. from wiki:
"Under NATO nuclear weapons sharing, the United States has provided nuclear weapons for Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey to deploy and store."

did NATO expansion make sense for america? not at all. did it make sense for the countries joining the NATO that were repeatedly threatened by russia? maybe, depends on who you ask.
the point is that NATO will be more and more out of the focus of the US as they wanna play sherrif in the chinese sea soon enough. europe failed to influence the US to back down and failed to agree on their own shared agenda on how to move forward on their own decidedly. now ukraine has to pay the price for this short-sightedness, that most often boils down to greed.
lets take a closer look at germany: we condemned the violations against human rights, freedom of speech, the political killings, the support of authoritarian regimes and their involvement in many wars and isolated more and more from Putins ideals and actions, but it was all talk. if anything we consistently increased the economic bonds with russia and became more and more reliant on putins exports (one often used figure of speech is "like a junkie on the needle"). meanwhile our military is in desolate shape coz we trusted in america to defend us, always reluctant to take an active stance. so theres economic dependancy on russia on the one side and military dependancy on the other from the US / NATO. only now, after putins escalation, we begin to realize that we have screwed up in many ways which couldve been avoidable by playing a more active role in the last two decades. while working on resolving the dependancies from both sides we shouldve at least tried to mediate more between russia and america (admittedly a tough task during trump legislation - all the more shocking that we just kinda tried to sit it out and didnt take action even after he took the office).
@hyperchessbotauthor said in #40:
> I'm not making a political statement in this thread.
> On a technical note, as this thread is about taking a poll of sorts, I happen to have an app that lets you create a straw poll, where votes can be cast with your lichess identity. I have popular apps related to lichess, but this one for some reason never took off.
> By default all straw poll issues are listed, but you can link a single issue and show this to users without pollution of unrelated issues.
> You are allowed to cast several votes for the same answer, if you feel strongly about an issue. The app lets you know about both total vote count and unique vote count. All voters are shown by their lichess username, together with their individual vote count.

Thank you for your valuable input. As for me i would agree to some straw poll asking if a ban of GM's Karjakin & Shipov is warranted in regard to their open support for the war in Ukraine. Yet i fear that such a straw poll could be skewed due to bots or folks just making a Lichess acc in order to downvote.
Besides that, respect for all the stuff you do, will have to check your analysis bot, even though i'm a noob & play only during breaks when working on & mastering audio.
Banning people from chess because of their political ideas is wrong. We should have a culture where we can talk freely without fearing the consequences.
@barkbagarn said in #43:
> Banning people from chess because of their political ideas is wrong. We should have a culture where we can talk freely without fearing the consequences.

but agreeing with war crimes should come with a punishment.
Sergey Karjakin's opinion maybe be blatantly wrong and terrible, but there's no point in banning someone from the chess board based on free speech. This is what free speech is for - it lets people voice their opinions, some of them right and some completely wrong. But we shouldn't block him from expressing his talent on the chess board because of his opinions.
@barkbagarn said in #43:
> Banning people from chess because of their political ideas is wrong. We should have a culture where we can talk freely without fearing the consequences.

If we talk about ideas, opinions, even rather strange ideas and opinions you are right. But if people tell that Russia defends itself in the Ukraine this is simply a lie. And a mean and disgusting one. Everybody should talk freely, but if we talk about obvious and evil lies people should fear the consequences. They reach abolute paria status if they support such a massmurder conducted by Putin and his followers. For me personal of course. You can't bring any enlightment to such people, they have their alternative facts and thats it. Poor, very poor people - but any consequence that may hit them is well earnt and hopefully hits them hard.

Little disclaimer: I have not heard anything from the GM's in quesation in this thread. So no vote from me if baning them or not.
@MondstaubMusik said in #1:
> In view of their support & justification of Putin's War against Ukraine, a sovereign country, i would like to know if there is a way to start a petition to ban GM Sergey Karjakin & GM Sergey Shipov aka GM Crest64 on lichess?
> As the world watches how Putin is committing War Crimes with a unjust War against Ukraine, i find it would be at least worth to ponder the thought of banning those who not only stand behind a man who committs war crimes but also actively cheer those atrocities!
> I hope & would love to think that such a display of malingant charakter has no place on lichess, hence my request to at least give this a thought or two.

Mindless hinder-holes like this should be muted

We circle back to the same problem. The world is not black and white. Culturally Russia has had strong ties with Ukraine. My father is Ukrainian, my mother is Russian. I left Russia after Crimea because I saw no future for myself and moved all my financial assets from Russia.
I still had family in Ukraine who I actually just helped leave Ukraine when this situation started as they were leaving near Kharkov. I have zero kind words for Putin's regime and any sane person person understands that war is bad (pretty sure if you ask Putin right now for an honest answer he'd also say that war is bad). There are no winners in wars, only losers.

Yet, you have to try to stay objective.

There are 3393 UN confirmed civilian deaths. After this all started I spoke with people in Russia who lost relatives in Donbass.

By your logic "Just don't fucking defend it in public.":

Could you please tell me what other countries were doing all these years then and where was the uproar? Or do these 3393 lives not matter at all?

Do you understand now why some people see this situation differently (including Karjakin and Shipov)?

Just to be clear: I'm not defending the invasion and trying to understand the motivation does not mean you automatically support or justify one side or another. I hope the parties will find a way to resolve it as soon as they can with as few casualties as possible.
Chess, and specifically Lichess, brings people together and shouldn't be about banning anyone for their views or actions in other areas. I am sure that there are all sorts of people who have done all sorts of things (good and bad) with a Lichess account and that is how it should be. People should only be banned for breaking the terms of behaviour of Lichess.

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