
Automatic team closure

How do I reopen the team that was closed on the platform. Please note that the team closed automatically, as I am the only team leader and I did not make this request to close the team.
Lichess doesn't close teams automatically. I checked the server logs. You closed it.
Actually you can send message in a closed team if you are still leader of the team

There is a way to do it
Thibault. Sorry but there must be some mistake, since my team at the same time was participating in an event intended for teams, there is no reason why I closed the team. But the fact, is there a possibility of reopening the team, since it participates in several championships with that name?
My team has also been closed. I don’t know what I was able to do to close it unconsciously but yes I am absolutely sure there was no confirmation notice of the closure. I would like to reopen it. Translated by google

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