
Server not working well since yesterday evening

Yesterday evening I was at a chess club and we tried to follow each other and we were facing timeouts/delays/etc., we figured we had bad connection, but this morning in a different location with different internet connection, same problem: constant reconnecting, can't load pages, etc.

And no it's not my internet connection, I wouldn't be here mentioning this otherwise.
Do you by any chance use Chrome Browser? I have the same problem since about yesterday, but only with the chrome browser. Internet connection is stable.
@Ludwigsfeld thanks for your idea, I do use Chrome, however another person I was with was using the lichess app (don't know if it uses chromium or not). Neither of us was able to make lichess work (page not loading and/or clicking a link wasn't doing anything, e.g. follow button).

For me it was better yesterday, then today again some more problems (though not comparable to Friday)... Anyway. I assume it was temporary.
Im also having connection issues playing from China on a Firefox light browser.
The problem as of right now seems no longer occuring for me. Website loads fast as usual now on Chrome.

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