
I missed Sunday mass what should I do

@Irishman964 Claiming that religion does any harm is like claiming guns are evil because they kill people.

@teorems I completely agree with you. This looks like just another troll post.
@teorems @oAbacaxi This is off-topic forum, so, at least in theory, I can bring up whatever subject I want to; unless I insult somebody or use a bad word etc. Did I? No. Don't push your luck.
Katakamata - Do you feel that you need to confess? If you feel that you need to, then do it. If you don't, then don't.
Don't ask people on a non-religious site what to do about a religious question. Go to a site which has a forum for your religion and ask them for advice. Otherwise you'll get idiotic responses from atheists, who don't have anything better to do with their lives than mock people.

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