

/join ##chess (chaotic chess chat; more likely no longer a chess chat)
/join #chess (moderated casual chess chat; basically still empty since I'm only posting this now)

at RIZON irc

These aren't meant to be restricted to lichess members (though this is the one place I will be advertising since this is the only chess forum/site I actually visit). Feel free to spread the news in other places for they may be looking for something like this, too.

Request for temporary/permanent voice for #chess (in ##chess or /msg /query me) whenever I'm online. I'm looking for volunteers who can help manage giving voice ops in #chess. Basically, you'll have to more or less determine/discern if the new visitors truly want to chat about chess. (You can do this "auditioning" in the ##chess channel.)
alternatively there's #chess and #lichess on
Note that it's ##chess with two # signs and not with one; #chess is an invite-only channel.
Thanks, @thibault.

"Semantically", what I shared is the alternative since #lichess is pretty much established in freenode (which surprisingly, which shouldn't really be a surprise if I wasn't as detached from tech news, is one of if not the most populated of irc servers, having 4 times the others at peak hours). #chess & ##chess at Rizon is meant for people like me who already hang out regularly in other Rizon channels.

To clarify, ProgramFOX is referring to #chess at (I think I saw a thread about that issue somewhere here before.)

#chess at Rizon is only mode +m but -i. Invite-only channels are a pain to join and maintain in my opinion.

Then again, muted (moderated) channels can also be a hassle as I recently got reminded. (Disallows you from changing your nick while you're in one and can be quite confusing if you don't know the cause after your auto-identify times out during an abnormally sluggish connection and you had gotten renamed as Guest*.)

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