
Why do girls not play chess?

It befuddles me to no end. They're obviously smart enough, but in over a hundred games (on multiple sites and irl), I've played only four girls outside my immediate family. Is there a logical reason
as to why this is the case?
Maybe they generally aren't good. Intelligence != chess ability :P
No idea...they even device master/GM/champion titles to Woman GM/M versus just 'ordinary' master/grandmaster.

Last I read the strongest female chess player by far was supposed to be Judit Polgar. She had always been on par with Viswanathan Anand.
Chess, as many other things, demands dedication. Most women don't know dedication (because they don't really need it in their lifes). I think that's also the reason why most of the people at the top
of their thing in nearly everything are men.
chess is about fighting and winning something that is essentially pointless. that kind of behaviour, the obsession with winning, is something man tend to do rather than women.

society or hormones? - I don't know. i think it's part societal nurturing that plants the idea that this is so important, and part natural predetermination. men and women just have a slightly
different chemistry.

the assumtion that women aren't as dedicated in general is wrong imho. i have yet to see a men be so dedicated to caring about other human beings as i've seen women. most social workers, working
endless shifts in hospitals, watching over their patients, are women. the dedication spans different fields. chess just happens to fall into the men area.

psychologically, men fight and protect, women nurture and care. chess is basically miniature war. kings, knights, rooks, pawns. go figure.
if i was a woman, i'd play with my junk all day, not play chess
You know your opponent is a woman when she types :D lol ^^ or some other retarded shit.

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