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104 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - This is funny: puzzle generator prefers a mate in 17 than a mate in 2#3

The problem is that it plays Bg7 instead of Qe7.

Lichess Feedback - Jump to mistakes in analysis#2

You can already see the evaluation shift, Mistakes and Blunders are moves which lose over 1 pawn and over 3 pawns respectively. With that information it should be enough to not need such a thing.

Lichess Feedback - My opinion of the new rating system.#31

It's a known fact that ELO like systems fail when the disparity in skill is high due to the stronger player winning much more than he is expected too.

Lichess Feedback - My opinion of the new rating system.#25

@#21: Because in pools you can't select your opponent, which makes the rating more meaningful in a way.

Lichess Feedback - PGN window while playing#10

^I thought about the same. Maybe something that looks like this.

Game analysis - Stockfish 5 resigns#2

The amount of takebacks....

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Show next X moves in computer analysis for games that ended in resignation#2

You can just request a computer analysis if you are curious about why someone resigned.

Lichess Feedback - Illogical training moves by computer #4

What is the difference? No matter what Black does it is Qg7# on the next move.

Game analysis - Hey guys, would you please look at this dirty endgame last move?#3

I would feel so dumb if I was black and allowed this to happen and I was not in severe time trouble.

Lichess Feedback - Stark white or Pitch black only on theming ?!#13 Something like that? Zoom in more and the site automatically removes the chat, puts the board to the left and makes it look pretty much like what Kevin has.
