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General Chess Discussion - Opinion: getting annoyed because your opponent refuses to resign is a sign of arrogance#29

@forsoothplays said in 18: "I think it is appropriate to gently encourage the opponent to resign in the chat, or troll them a little..." I do not think that this is appropriate. It is the online equiv…

Diagnostic - PaulGiamatti69#2

Your internet does not seem OK. If I had to guess from your logs, it looks like a proxy, router, or perhaps firewall software shuts down our websocket connections every 10-20 minutes like clockwork, p…

Lichess Feedback - Blocking players in broadcasts' chats#2

that reminds me of this one time I was petting a kitty cat all by itself in the alleyway behind my house and out of nowhere like 20 other kitty cats come out and want pets too so I had to run away bec…

General Chess Discussion - Opinion: getting annoyed because your opponent refuses to resign is a sign of arrogance#18

Most of the time being annoyed at the opponent for resigning really is an ego problem as OP points out. If you're winning so hard that you think the opponent should resign, then go ahead and beat him.…

Off-Topic Discussion - Respect other players#4

Here is some free advice. Do not chat.

Off-Topic Discussion - Respect other players#3

@MiltonOliver said in #1: > Hi Lichess! > Even if you approach them in a friendly manner often they are very rude and disrespectful which is completely unacceptable. And if you try to correct them wit…

Community Blog Discussions - The song for LICHESS#2

I know right, it's pretty good, maybe could be better. By the way, I use bing co-pilot/ chat gpt-4

General Chess Discussion - Preslav's 2+5 & 3+2 Tournaments#19

This constitutes advertisement and is not allowed by Forum etiquette Please refrain this kind of communications to allowed channels i.e your profil…

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