
Search "user:EGranli"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - 10-minutes tournaments around the clock#1

And here we are again: Of available 10-minute-tournaments, one is thematic, the other one capped for sub 1300's. Why not have available 10-minute-tournament around the clock? Don't say it is to suppor…

Lichess Feedback - Why can't there be 10-min non-thematic open Arenas at all time?#1

As of the title. I don't mind the existence of thematic Arenas, I just don't want to play them. I like the 10-min open Arenas, but I often quit lichess when no suitable Arena is available.

Lichess Feedback - Open Arena 10 minutes 24/7#3

I dont't mind thematic arena, but I don't want them to replace regular two hours tournaments.

Lichess Feedback - Open Arena 10 minutes 24/7#1

I have posted about this topic before, but I'll try again: Why not have an non-thematic 10 minutes games 2 hours Arena 24/7? The only real argument I've seen opposing this, is tournaments competing ag…

Lichess Feedback - Rapid Arena 10 min 24/7#1

Hi, I have a suggestion: I like to play the 10 minute Rapid Arena all ratings allowed, but it is not always available. Sometimes it is replaced with thematic chess, and sometimes it's not there at all…
