
Search "user:Feryl"

3 forum posts
Game analysis - How to avoid doing blunders like this?#3

Greed. You already had a won game, but you decided to try to save the bishop to be even further ahead rather than just solidifying your position and winning.

Lichess Feedback - Unfair Win#7

Of course it's possible to lose if you play stupidly. K vs KNN and you can lose. KB vs KB and you can get mated. Hell, even KN vs KR the KR can get mated. As for USCF rules... I've never heard of USCF…

Lichess Feedback - Unfair Win#1

On the last game I played, my opponent had KN and I had KP. I let the time run out expecting to get a draw (opponent has no mating material). Instead, I was considered to have lost. What gives?
