
Search "user:Hastromil"

5 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Whats the best song ever to exist#5

Can one really provide a definite answer here? I think it's Impossible.

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle 66793???#4

These replies are not legal as they do not stop the check. Nc6 is possible but it does not prevent White's queen from taking on b4 since the black queen is also under attack. In the end White is up a …

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle 66793???#2

White has Qa4+. After you have completed a puzzle or clicked "view the solution" you can also switch on the engine and check all the lines you want by yourself.

Lichess Feedback - Game adjudicated incorrectly (dead position)#4

My best guess is that Lichess just correctly recognized K+N vs. K+R as a setup that can result in checkmate while simultaneously failing to acknowledge the forced simplification in this particular pos…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzles with inferior solutions#2

24... Qe8.
