
Search "user:arnaud_bedouelle"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - why pat when the time of the other player is off ? please i would like to understand, thanks#7

EN ANGLAIS : I chose to eat his pawn so that he doesn't have a queen, ok. then I play as much as I can since we are on a game over time. I have no intention of eating him on tour, otherwise I will pro…

General Chess Discussion - why pat when the time of the other player is off ? please i would like to understand, thanks#6

EN FRANçAIS : j'ai choisi de manger son pion pour ne pas qu'il ait une reine, ok. ensuite je joue le maximum de ce que je peux puisque nous sommes sur une partie avec le temps. Je n'ai aucune intentio…

General Chess Discussion - why pat when the time of the other player is off ? please i would like to understand, thanks#5

thanks TPR ! for you answer : "White cannot checkmate black with any possible sequence of legal moves. Per FIDE Laws of Chess it is a draw." but why are we playing with time ? if when the time of the …

General Chess Discussion - why pat when the time of the other player is off ? please i would like to understand, thanks#4

the time of "Sarthi" is over and the logiciel said : "1/2 1/2 pat - because time is over" don't understand why pat ? ah ah ah

General Chess Discussion - why pat when the time of the other player is off ? please i would like to understand, thanks#1

why pat when the time of the other player is off ? please i would like to understand, thanks it's my game from the 07/04/2020 at 16h27 between : "sarthi" and me ??? Is…
