
Search "user:drakpete"

9 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Are Chess Improvers Causing a Lichess Tactic Rating Deflation?#30

The introduction of Puzzle Streak means more lower rated puzzles are offered to higher rated players. When was that feature added?

General Chess Discussion - How long does it take to "get good"?#188

Malcom Gladwell in his bestseller Outliers: The Story of Success suggest 10,000 hours of practice for any given field of expertise, though this hypothesis is contested. I would say that you need to re…

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General Chess Discussion - A nameless(?) gambit against the French defense#7

Normally I play 5...Bd7 against the Milner-Barry. After 5 ...Qb6 6. Bd3 cxd4 7. O-O then I would again play 7... Bd7. 6. a3 is more consistent for White. It prevents Bb4 after the P exchange on d4 and…

General Chess Discussion - or

I prefer Lichess. I unsubscribed from because of all the cheaters. Also the interface is poor and slow in comparison. is also pretty good. I like the expert commentaries there an…

Lichess Feedback - Highlight players using keyboard move tool, which gives them an unfair advantage#7

No I am not going to use this extension. If I check the time analysis and see someone makes many moves in zero time I block them. That's the only choice Lichess leaves today.

Lichess Feedback - Highlight players using keyboard move tool, which gives them an unfair advantage#1

Please can you give an option to not be paired with players who use the keyboard move tool to be able to pre-move moves in a bullet ending? When I can be 8 seconds to 1 second up and still lose on tim…

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