
Search "user:slowrie"

10 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - stats#3

@mkubecek said in #2: > ...and fifth topic about the same issue. :-( I hope there are 99 topics on this same issue, if that's what it takes for the devs to notice.

Lichess Feedback - 'quick pairing' - classical#4

@St-George That's a good idea, and it also solves the problem raised by theUnbreakable (although I doubt whether there are many players who like classical but also relish the thought of a zero-increme…

Lichess Feedback - 'quick pairing' - classical#1

The pool of players wanting longer games is small, so it doesn't help that this niche group is divided into two: 30 + 0, and 30 + 20. If there were just one option of 30 + 10, this would double the ch…

General Chess Discussion - Take back is a ridiculous feature.#10

The feature is needed - imagine teaching a beginner without it. But even more needed is the ability to turn it off, and this is provided. In my first few days before discovering the settings page, wha…

General Chess Discussion - Which chess streamer is your favourite ?#4

Agadmator, by a mile. No one else comes even close to his style and wit and vocabulary. Next is Eric Rosen - always calm and soothing - then Gotham, who is an acquired taste but I've acquired it becau…

General Chess Discussion - aimchess#1

The Lichess Puzzle announcement today mentioned something called, so I went to check it out and it's really good. You can get some of it for free in exchange for working in the salt mines…

General Chess Discussion - Welcome 2Lichess V2!#13

Overnight, Lichess has become the best puzzle site on the interwebs - V2 is so clever and well designed. I just wish you could find a position again once you've done it though, as I just failed a gorg…

General Chess Discussion - Why does everyone thing Kasparov has a big ego and hate him so much?#9

ok then - for further evidence of his douchebaggery, back to google and copy-paste this: 'Kasparov is Furious after Losing to Radjabov's Brilliancy'. Refusing to shake the hand of an opponent isn't 's…

General Chess Discussion - Why does everyone thing Kasparov has a big ego and hate him so much?#7

Put 'Polgar Kasparov touch move' into google and you'll have your answer.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess restart query#2

My experience was that I waited 12 minutes while my opponent's clock ran down to zero, and then found that the site says *he* had won the game on time !?!
