
Search "user:ummmwhatever"

132 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Does lichess autodetect cheating?#1

Or do you have to report for it to get noticed?

General Chess Discussion - Isnt this draw even ı lost on time because he cant mate#4

He could mate you if your king was on h1 in this case, but lichess doesn't check if mate is possible because there are too many scenarios. You only get the draw if he has no pieces left.

General Chess Discussion - Who is the best Mod on Lichess?#17

Bufferunderrun helped me out a couple times when I messaged them. They get my vote.

General Chess Discussion - which level player defeat stockfish level 6 easily#25 Felt pretty easy.

General Chess Discussion - Which opening would you recommend me to use in blitz?#12

I like 1.e4 as white and i play french as black against everything. You can play whatever as white I guess but you don't have to worry about many traps playing the french as black and it works decentl…

General Chess Discussion - I cry foul, and hope against hope that powers that be fight the good fight to try and stop this#32

"I understand chess is hard work and being only 204 squares." I agree with you @Acerb8 and I hope that you continue to post your frustrations. Sincerely, Ummmwhatever.

General Chess Discussion - Twenty Four Hundred#48

Nice, I just reached 2400 too! I think it is time to stop. :D

General Chess Discussion - Only playing chess when you're very drunk.#7

Check out this game I played, I don't even remember playing it.

General Chess Discussion - Only playing chess when you're very drunk.#5

I feel more relaxed when I'm playing like this, I'm playing on chesscom right now (don't hate me), but it doesn't seem to affect my chess negatively. I only play very badly when i'm extremely tired. E…

General Chess Discussion - Only playing chess when you're very drunk.#1

Does anyone else do this? For years now I can only play when I'm very drunk, like half a bottle or 5-6 beers and then having a coffee. Then I play for 12-30 hours while continuing to drink.
