
Ben Finegold Never Loses! Except When He Does | Puzzler's Paradise - GM Ben Finegold

8 • arex •
  1. Puzzle 1
  2. Puzzle 2
  3. Puzzle 3
  4. Puzzle 4
  1. arex

Lichess Practice: The Pin

8 • arex •
  1. Set up an absolute pin #1
  2. Set up an absolute pin #2
  3. Set up a relative pin #1
  4. Exploit the pin #1
  1. thibault
  2. Clarkey
  3. arex
  4. LM Assios

Lichess Practice: The Skewer

8 • arex •
  1. Relative Skewer #1
  2. Relative Skewer #2
  3. Relative Skewer #3
  4. Absolute Skewer #1
  1. CM TBest
  2. thibault
  3. arex
  4. LM Assios

Bullet Match: IM lovlas vs Leela (ID=125)

6 • arex •
  1. lovlas - arexbot
  2. arexbot - lovlas
  3. lovlas - arexbot
  4. arexbot - lovlas
  1. arex


6 • arex •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. arex

Lichess Practice: Checkmate Patterns II

5 • arex •
  1. Double Bishop Mate #1
  2. Double Bishop Mate #2
  3. Double Bishop Mate #3
  4. Boden's Mate #1
  1. thibault
  2. arex
  3. LM Assios
  4. LM TonyRo

Lichess Practice: Interference

5 • arex •
  1. Interference Introduction
  2. Interference #2
  3. Interference #3
  4. Interference #4
  1. CM TBest
  2. thibault
  3. arex
  4. LM Assios

Lichess Practice: Zwischenzug

5 • arex •
  1. Zwischenzug
  2. Zwischenschach
  3. Zwischenzug Challenge #1
  1. CM TBest
  2. thibault
  3. arex
  4. LM Assios

Lichess Practice: Checkmate Patterns III

4 • arex •
  1. Opera Mate #1
  2. Opera Mate #2
  3. Opera Mate #3
  4. Anderssen's Mate #1
  1. thibault
  2. arex
  3. LM Assios
  4. LM TonyRo

Lichess Practice: Piece Checkmates II

3 • arex •
  1. Queen vs bishop mate
  2. Queen vs knight mate
  3. Queen vs rook mate
  4. Two bishop mate
  1. thibault
  2. arex
  3. LM Assios
  4. LM TonyRo

Lichess Practice: Piece Checkmates I

3 • arex •
  1. Queen and rook mate
  2. Two rook mate
  3. Queen and bishop mate
  4. Queen and knight mate
  1. thibault
  2. arex
  3. LM Assios
  4. LM TonyRo

Lichess Practice: Checkmate Patterns IV

3 • arex •
  1. Suffocation Mate #1
  2. Suffocation Mate #2
  3. Greco's Mate #1
  4. Greco's Mate #2
  1. thibault
  2. arex
  3. LM Assios
  4. LM TonyRo

LCZero ID125 vs Fruit 2.1

2 • arex •
  1. Fruit 2.1 - LCZero ID125
  2. LCZero ID125 - Fruit 2.1
  3. Fruit 2.1 - LCZero ID125
  4. LCZero ID125 - Fruit 2.1
  1. arex

Round Semi-final

2 • arex •
  1. Donchenko, Alexander - Palac, Mladen
  2. Stevic, Hrvoje - Keymer, Vincent
  3. Kovacevic, Aleksandar - Kollars, Dmitrij
  4. Kozul, Zdenko - Brkic, Ante
  1. arex

Lichess Practice: 7th-Rank Rook Pawn with a Passive Rook

2 • arex •
  1. King on f7
  2. King on g7
  3. King on g7, extra g-pawn
  4. King on g7, extra b-f pawn
  1. arex

arex's Study

2 • arex •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. arex