
Study Group 11

6 members

Welcome to Study Group Eleven!

If you are new (which you clearly are) Then welcome!

We don't have a discord server!

So you've joined the team, well here are the team rules, and below them, the leadership, for no reason!

You can add us in any team battles! Just message Dumbledore first

Team Rules

I know it looks like a lot, but it's actually not that much. I mean, as long as you're mature and follow general etiquette, it'll be fine! :)

Be mature. Don't spam the chat, don't stall games, etc.
Don't ask for leadership. SGO promotes people with active interest in the team, not because you asked, so please respect that, thank you!
Be respectful to all players, please. Don't push others down to pull yourself up.
Use the team forum wisely. Unnecessary posts will be deleted.
Violation of rules 1-4 may result in timeouts, or, in more serious causes, a ban. But I trust that everyone here is mature enough to not escalate it to that point :)
People that violate the Lichess ToS will be kicked from the team. No exceptions, but if you appeal you may come back.
Thank you!

It's literally just me