
Lichess pages don't load properly

I have experienced this frequently the last month or so as well.

Things take forever to load, the game screen won't open, the user's menu isn't set up properly (like some missing css)... At times the site is close to unusable in that manner.

At other times it works perfectly again.

It feels like some resource is missing then, and I'd expect they should come from cache but for some reason do not.
Same thing constantly happens here. Lichess static just won't load up. Games that're already loaded just keep well. There's nothing to do with Internet connection or something else, as lichess ping status and ping from my machine is somewhat around 50ms or so. I guess the caching policy doesn't work at all.
I wonder if that error message comes from Chrome refusing to do a DNS lookup of due to getting rate-limited or something. If so hopefully Lichess staff can replicate and mitigate it somehow...
@Toadofsky said in #14:
> I wonder if that error message comes from Chrome refusing to do a DNS lookup of due to getting rate-limited or something. If so hopefully Lichess staff can replicate and mitigate it somehow...

on edge browser console:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR msg.ltr.dark.min.css:1

and in different instance
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED

Error while trying to use the following icon from the Manifest: (Download error or resource isn't a valid image)

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