
Joke room

@ #17: I know the solution, because I have read this one before some other time and place. So I'm not gonna spoil your fun...

Just a little hint:

-------SPOILER ALERT-------
Sam and Clyde are not necessarily humans.

poor people have nothing?
rich people need nothing?
If you eat nothing for one meal you die?
The way it is phrased in the riddle, it means if you eat it once you die,because if it was supposed to mean always it should be like: " If you ONLY eat this, you die..."
Well, yesterday noon for example I ate nothing, but in the evening I ate like a whale, so yeah... I m still here :)
Two countrymen hired a boat and went fishing. They caught some fine fish. When they were going home, one said to the other, "How are we going to make our way back to that wonderful fishing place again?" The second said, "I thought of that -- I marked the boat with chalk!" "You fool!" said the first. "That's no good. Supposing next time they give us a different boat?"
Nasrudin, ferrying a pedant across a piece of rough water, said something ungrammatical to him.

"Have you never studied grammar?" asked the scholar.


"Then half of your life has been wasted."

A few minutes later Nasrudin turned to the passager. "Have you ever learned how to swim?"

"No. Why?"

"Then all your life is wasted - we are sinking!"
As a couple walked out of a restaurant where they just ate a big dinner the wife said "Let's not eat here again, the food was terrible." Her husband replied "I told you don't order the dog shit."

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