
Ukranian Victory Closer and Closer

@WildTiger said in #20:
> We will wake up. And it will not be a pleasant reality.

Already not pleasant. If this is not enough to wake them up. Idk what will wake 'em up.
"Wake up, wake up, wake up it's the 1st of the month
To get up, get up, get up so cash your checks and get up"

'1st of tha Month'
Song by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
@MaugliUA said in #18:
> (shrug) I saw several video with russians teens. They definitely wish it.

Not all of them. And the thing is: The only chance of getting rid of Putin is the Russians themselves getting rid of him. If you tar all Russians with the same brush and if you denigrate even those who are in opposition to Putin's regime you are not helping their case. They are already facing stiff opposition and even pure hate from their fellow countrymen. We shouldn't ignore that but recognize that they are doing the work from inside Russia.

> First days of war Putin was supported approx by 70% of population. Now he got more then 80%.

This still makes for 25 - 30 million Russians who want to see Putin gone.
"Now he got more then 80%."

Not really.

- the number comes from VCIOM, a Russian state agency - totally untrustworthy
- according to VCIOM, the Russian state agency (a part of Kremlin propaganda machine), 79% of respondents agree with Putin's actions and 81% trusts Putin
- the number of people, who refuse to take part in the polls is growing

For more info about this complex subject you may read
"This still makes for 25 - 30 million Russians who want to see Putin gone."

...and are in the position to say it publicly. The real number of Russian people who are against the war is much bigger.

Navalny Live on Youtube has (in the first month of the full scale war) almost 20 000 000 unique visitors, most of them from Russia.

And we are talking about Russia, where Internet is not so widespread and where many people cannot even read and write.
@WildTiger said in #25:

> - the number comes from VCIOM, a Russian state agency - totally untrustworthy

No. Those numbers have come from "Levada-center". Trustworthy.

81% (53% "definitely support", 28% "rather support").
14% against. 6% cant decide.

Those data are proved by other sociologs, posts at russian forums, personal contacts with relatives and former friends.
Those data are very unpleasant to accept. So they are mostly rejected with alone argument - "this is impossible".

Regrettably, this is POSSIBLE.
Today, Prague.

About 5k people attending another concert for Ukraine. Artists performing for free.

Volunteers working day and night.
Trains and trains of Ukrainian refugees coming here every single day.
Usually mothers with children, sometimes old grandmothers. Old men are rare.
No young men. (They are all in the army, protecting their homes.)

We are taking care for the refugees. The women are strong and independent, they want to let their children in school, so they can work. The psychological damages are huge. So much of stress and trauma.

The same is happening in Slovakia. Also in Poland, but on a much bigger scale.

We expect Russian secret services to launch disinfo campaigns targeting the refugees. Trying to spread doubt, xenophobia, anger and hate. Trying to make the refugees and local population angry and put them against each other.
We are doing our best to be ready and counter that.

I have the privilege to serve directly, being in touch with the refugees. The children are stressed, loud, confused. Every time we make them smile or laugh is a big win.
Maugli no. It is 80% or 70% and in any case those are meaningless. "There are lies, and statistics."

This is qn unfortunqte thread in the sense that 5 Pro-War people posted dislikes quickly, it's a fight for the soul of the world, really. And no one is supporting Russia in this.
@WildTiger said in #28:
The children are stressed, loud, confused. Every time we make them smile or laugh is a big win.

Thank you for this.

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