
Lichess coaches

CM Kornflakes1994 Lichess coach picture

CM Kornflakes1994

Clases de Ajedrez enfocadas para jugadores que quieran dar el salto a los 2000-2100 elo FIDE.

LocationMallorca, Palma de Mallorca Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 21912574
Hourly rate20 euros por hora y media
GM Demon-Hunter Lichess coach picture

GM Levan Aroshidze

Work Hard, Dream Big!

Location Spain
LanguagesEspañol, русский язык
RatingFIDE: 25472628
Hourly rate25-35 € / hour (depending on the level and frequency of classes)
WFM RebecaJimnz Lichess coach picture

WFM Rebeca Jiménez Fernández

Esfuerzo y pasión, las claves del éxito.

LocationMurcia Spain
RatingFIDE: 2073
FM Sinquefield Lichess coach picture

FM Alejandro Uzcategui Rodriguez

Are you ready to change your way of seeing chess?

LocationCanarias Spain
LanguagesEnglish (US), Español
RatingFIDE: 229027462542
Hourly rate30€ (Special discounts for monthly plans)
CM GabrielPerezPerez Lichess coach picture

CM Gabriel Pérez Pérez

Trabaja duro, sueña en grande

LocationTenerife Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US), Català, valencià
RatingFIDE: 22392910270026022377
Hourly rateConsúltame
CM EVFA Lichess coach picture

CM Fer Asensio

Primera reunión totalmente gratuita, cóntactame! Apasionado del ajedrez. Hemos venido a divertirnos!

LocationMallorca Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 221127032408
Hourly rate15€/h
IM Aquiiles Lichess coach picture

IM Yasel Borges Feria

"La constancia es el arma más poderosa que puedes usar para mejorar tus resultados"

Location Spain
RatingFIDE: 24422858280323652176
Hourly rateOfrezco paquetes mensuales de clases personalizadas muy asequibles y simultaneas. Partidas de entrenamiento, simultaneas para clubes
IM Medarde94 Lichess coach picture

IM Luis Marcos Medarde Santiago

''The biggest secret is that there is no secret'' Working Hard and being passionate on what you do!

LocationSantiago de Compostela Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US), Galego
RatingFIDE: 243126702624
Hourly rateIt depends on the student and the number of hours
IM JonasPradoLobo Lichess coach picture

IM Jonas Prado Lobo

If others can achieve success, why not you as well? As your chess coach, I'm here to ensure that you reach your full potential and beyond.

LocationOviedo Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US), Català, valencià
RatingFIDE: 240829392732
Hourly rateSessions from 8€/hour. Interested? Let me know!
GM CrazySage Lichess coach picture

GM Daniil Yuffa

¨I´ll teach you how to progress in chess without losing enthusiasm¨.

LocationAltea Spain
Languagesрусский язык, Español, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 261728112854
Hourly rateClasses and training games both negotiable, contact