
Black Lives Matter


"And many people literally are arguing that George Floyd being murdered in broad daylight wasn't messed up. "

Who's arguing that? Nobody is arguing that.

You're out of your mind.

If you were a reasonable individual. Which you aren't so let's just get that out of the way.

But say that you were you'd realize.

Most people agree George Floyd was murdered even the most staunch uptight conservative that I've seen has Agreed with that.

Most people agree Police reform needs to take place. (My personal suggestion is the installing of a National Police force better police screening, better training. More Uniform better to serve us)

Where people get lost in the ether that is politics - where stuff doesn't get done?

When you bring up side topics about Racial inequality - When you talk about how George Floyd had a checkered past none of that stuff matters.

Do you really think leaving a neighborhood in ashes is righteous? Altruistic? What self-serving malarky.
It's because of your Riots, you drown out the good message of Protesting.

Protesting and yes, Writing letters works.

All your violence does is divide people further and make people bunker in with either Police or crazy idiots like you who think abolishing institutions that are set to protect and serve is a good idea.

I never heard anything so stupid in my life. "We already tried that" When exactly pray tell did you try? These Riots are tantamount to a tantrum from a rampaging toddler losing more lives in the process and you want to make the claim it's helping? Get real.

Makes a mockery to the Nation and quite frankly your sentiment is an embarrassment to not just the United States but to the Human Race.
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Urgh, I for one am sad to see lichess enter into identity politics. If you want to spread out and bloat, develop an email-client.
I think Lichess is a platform of hyper morality. Mr Robespierre used a guillotine to spread his hypermorality.
Chess should never be exploited populistically.
bad move for pushing political agenda in a chess website

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