
Black Lives Matter

They are definitely not peaceful they throw rocks and bricks at police. That is not peace.
I literally gave you a video showing the police unprovokedly brutalizing people and you ask me "Where do I get my news from?" I dunno, maybe you should answer that question. What kind of news do you watch to justify unprovoked police brutality?
I see no problem with lichess bringing up important issues and taking a stance. You don't have to agree with lichess to play on it btw.
@JohnLuke090904 But not every protestor is throwing rocks. Only a very small minority is (I could even tell you about cops bringing the bricks to the scene so they can claim that they have been provoked. I could tell you about white supremacists posing as Antifa in order to instigate violence. But all of that is beside the point). The point is that the police is brutalizing peaceful protestors. I gave you video evidence for that.
At this point I can't trust any source because it will be biased in some way or the other. Even stats are ahrd to analyze here...
@TCF_Namelecc Well they need to quell the violent protests somehow. If I lived in one of those cities and a protestor was breaking into my home, I wouldn’t mind if they had been quelled before hand by police. Plus, these people clearly aren’t working. Besides, it is quite naive to assume that this is all about BLM. Just look at google trends. When’s the last time BLM had extreme popularity, oh right, just before the 2016 election. I’m glad that @Chillkroete77 at least agrees that violent protestors should be punished. I’m not against BLM, but I’m completely against violent protests that are creating anarchy at such a ‘convenient’ time. Besides, whatever happened to the Covid-19 pandemic? Why are people suddenly banding in the streets?

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