
Black Lives Matter

But since you claim that all the videos are edited to make the police look bad, let's look at an incident so obvious that you'll surely find a lunatic way to defend it. At 47:44 in the video on the left, there is a heavily-armed group of police officers who walk through a street and stop to shoot at someone filming them. Please explain to me what you believe provoked the police to do that? Shooting people who are on their grounds doing nothing more than filming the police. What justifies that?
"I watched the police teargassing people and have decided that that isn't police brutality." Please, for the love of all things that are funny: Let yourself get teargassed and you will no longer think that that isn't brutal.
Btw, do you think that the police is allowed to and should teargas peaceful protestors who have not instigated any violence?
@gobblegooble The real question is how do you know more about a hard to find paper to the extent you know the year it's published to it being largely rejected and "debunked" Is there a counter-thesis?

I mean if it is debunked is more widely known than the information must not be that hard to find at all. That being said criminal apprehension records, records of police brutality, or hate crimes aren't exactly hard to come by. Heck, you can go to the FBI website and get data on Federal crimes/ Criminal incidents from a 5-7 year period. Completely available and free to read.

I mean if one wanted to write a paper similar to whatever that person submitted it wouldn't be difficult to do at all. It's just basic research really :/

All the stats are listed somewhere... People keep records of these things.
If I were to get teargassed then that means I committed a crime which I don’t do
'Peaceful protesters'. Are you kidding me? Have you not seen any photos of the damage that has been done? Are you blind? Deaf? Please explain.
@JohnLuke090904 We went from "You have no evidence" to "I'm not going to watch your evidence" to "That isn't evidence, it's fake" to now "Things happen in the heat of battle". I'm curious to see what will happen if you actually approach watching the videos without your anti-protestor bias...
These police are literally being surrounded by mobs, some of this is self defense. I'm pretty sure if they weren't surrounded they wouldn't need to be wearing their 'armor' and be defending themselves in the first place.
@Chillkroete77 I think the issue inherent is your PRO-tester bias... see what I did there.

The saying it's selectively edited and that things happen in the heat of the moment both coincide with each other. @JohnLuke090904 response isn't hypocritical or back tracking at all. He's presenting forward the idea that something happened that the video doesn't contain so you can't base a complete judgement on it if you want to look at it impartially.

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