
Black Lives Matter


The only terrorists in America are white supremacists and incels. Additionally, Minneapolis found that many of the looters came from out of the city or out of state and had ties to white supremacist groups or right-wing organizations. Try again. Or better yet, don't try to do anything ever again.
@Chillkroete77 the cherry picking I mentioned was referring to BLM's platform view that police misconduct only "matters" when it's a white cop and a black victim, even though most victims are non-black, and non-white cops also engage in misconduct.

"untermensch" is "underman" and I notice BLM supporters and other modern SJWs like to think that people who disagree with them are "beneath" them. @Hierophantc4 just called us all "basement dwellers" which would make us literally/physically under/beneath him in the basement. I saw you express contempt for anyone who disagreed with you on multiple occasions. Also, I belong to a group which was labeled "untermenschen" by top Nazis, and "genetically" defective by a few prominent American officials.

Regarding you being German, I have my doubts. If you really live in Germany at the moment, it's probably as an "ex-pat" American. Why else would you be so involved in US domestic politics when Germany has so many problems of its own?

Because America spreads its wretched tentacles across the whole planet. Nowhere is free from events in America and a middling American bureaucrat can ruin thousands of lives around the world with the stroke of a pen. When America stops terrorizing the world and sinks back into isolation is when the rest of us will leave it alone.
BLM does not care about black lives and is inherently a racist and divisive group.
Here are some unfun facts for all of the BLM supporters in here:

1) Black Lives Matter is completely silent about ongoing slavery in Africa. Over ten million people are modern-day slaves in Africa. There has been no call from BLM to send over the Marines and some aircraft carriers to liberate these black people. They won't even tweet about it, or set up a petition, or make any effort whatsoever. Complete impotence and apathy.

2) Many black people across the world including children go to bed hungry at night. BLM in no way shape or form collects canned goods, or donations, or anything like that to feed hungry black people.

3) Black Lives Matter completely ignores any form of black on black violence. Just the other day an elderly black man was killed defending a store from looters. Dead silence.

4) Black Lives Matter is an inherently disruptive group that harms the function of society. They will do things like block traffic, at some times an ambulance can't even get through to help a person in need.

5) In 2017 four members of Black Lives Matter kidnapped a mentally handicapped white boy and tortured him. Doing things like make him drink from a toilet and put out cigarettes on him.

6) Black Lives Matter is very much against free speech. They do things like take the microphone out of Bernie Sanders hand forcefully humiliating him and costing him votes. Other times when a conservative is making a speech someplace they like to go and shout the person down and cause as many disruptions as possible.

7) Black Lives Matter oftentimes do call for violence and have been responsible for a fair amount of looting of small business owners in recent days.

8) Black lawmakers have called BLM a terrorist organization.

9) Shaun King is white but tries to pass himself off as black. The guy is basically going around in blackface.

10) Black lives matter are what I like to call "Cry Bullies". They use their perceived righteousness of social justice as a pretext to abuse other, then play the victim when confronted about this abuse.
Yeah, America's foreign policy isn't any better than its domestic policy.
@sosumisai The fact that you - without any proof - doubt that I'm german, is hilarious. Saying that I'm calling you an Untermensch is disgusting.
BLM started as a protest against the murders of blacks by the police. But BLM speaks up against any kind of police violence and the reforms proposed by BLM try to tackle any kind of police brutality. Where you the entire time just ignorant about what BLM is?
@hierophantc4 is prolly trolling, unless he is one of those looters/arsonists himself. Best left without attention, just as the rest of his kind.

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