
What if a chess site were set up to completely eliminate rude behavior?

Right now, I'm on the verge of deciding just to get rid of the internet. The main reason I have the internet is to play chess on it, but I'm thinking to just never play chess online again. There's just too many immature dicks. People are dicks before the games start, they're dicks when they win, they're dicks when they lose, just too much dickery. And yes say it's only 1 out of every 10 games that something negative happens, but that incident in the 1 game really annoys me.

I play here and at Although I find lichess better than in regards to this issue, it's still a problem at both sites and from what I've seen it's an internet wide-problem.

I'd say the majority of people playing chess online behave nicely. I'd not say the "vast" majority, but the majority, perhaps 75% of people. Of the 25% who don't, some are much worse than others. Most of these 25% are just mild assholes, doing things like disabling chat after I type "hello" at the start of a long game (I don't type hello in blitz games for fear people will think I'm trying to distract them, but when I sit down to spend a few hours playing a game with someone I think a "hello" is in order). Or, making a mildly rude comment, saying something like "you're really not that good" after a loss, etc.

Then there are those I term the "super-assholes", I'll perhaps get one of these out of every one hundred encounters. Here's an example from both sites

Lichess - Was playing an anonymous blitz game. My opponent was White and got a good position out of the opening and we were in a middlegame where I was under a kingside attack. At first glance it looked very scary for me. My opponent apparently thought the game was won as he typed in the chatbox "I hope you enjoyed our little rape session immensely" However I defended well and even won some material later, at which point my opponent left the game without resigning. Even though I won, I still found the comment disturbing, what kind of person would type such a thing unprovoked? (I must admit sometimes I've typed nasty things to people but only after they typed things to me, never unprovoked.)

Now for an example from I was again playing blitz. I was playing a user called "LitoticChess" who had a much higher blitz rating than me, though I later looked at their profile and saw they were always playing people rated much lower than them so I think their rating was inflated. Anyway, at the start of the game this person types "idiot". I disable chat. I end up winning the game after he made a clear blunder in his calculation of what he thought was a tactical sequence that would win material for him. The next day I notice this same guy has come to my profile and left a message saying something like "Weak loser who beat me only because I made a mouse slip"

I imagine a site where every chat, every message is recorded, and not even a little rudeness is allowed. Like for example if someone offered a draw from a worse position and then their opponent tried too hard to win and ends up losing and they type something like "haha you should have taken the draw" that person would be banned. I just imagine a chess site where the rudeness and nastiness that characterizes online chess and the internet in general doesn't exist, and I believe it can be done with very strict moderation and enforcement.
I can understand where you're coming from with this however what you want is simply unattainable. It's too idealistic and a nightmare to maintain because everything is subjective. The best thing you can do is find like minded people (of which I'm sure there are several), and primarily only play against them. You can even form a team with this kind of initiative to increase this kind of pool of players.
Is rudeness and insulting behavior really so subjective? What I imagine is a site that if somebody types something insulting or unsportsmanlike, even without profanity or a direct threat they're banned.

I try to be friendly when I play chess in real life or online. I believe that chess should be about enjoyment and friendships, and I have found like-minded people who are similarly friendly. I have made many friends by playing online chess, the problem is there are some genuinely bad people out there who will even answer friendliness with rudeness. When I play chess online I feel like it's walking into a minefield, always the question is hanging in the air "when's the next rude asshole going to appear and ruin my day?"
My feelings about freedom of speech would have made me laugh about this up until recently.

I love playing on lichess, but I've also experienced things as you describe. The attitude of 'ignore them' etc. simply doesn't help - it's like 'ignoring the bullies in the playground'. Well when I was at school I gave the bully a great thump and he never hassled me again!

We're all different and some people are more or less affected by this behaviour. The problem in society at large is that the 'nice' people get laughed at, and their opinions ignored.

So I agree with you - to my own surprise. By coming down hard on rudeness, we stop it being condoned by relative inaction. Those that say 'it always happens in bullet' should reappraise their position, because... it SHOULDN'T always happen in bullet!
1) don't play against anonymous players or if you do disable the chat box, 90% of chat I ever received from an anon was trolling of some sort.

2) if the user has an account and says something offensive, report them and block them. If they're blocked you'll never play them again. If they are reported, a mod will look at it and take action if multiple reports are made. Eventually after awhile you'll have filtered out of most of the unruly trolls you don't want to play and encounter them less and less often.

Basically what you're proposing is impossible to maintain, so basically just report them and you get the same effect on a smaller scale. All the chats are recorded and saved as you desire, so it's just a matter of directing the mods where to look, because we don't have 1000 mods at lichess in order to do what you're suggesting.
I imagine a site where every chat, every message is recorded, and not even a little rudeness is allowed. I just imagine a chess site where the rudeness and nastiness that characterizes online chess and the internet in general doesn't exist, and I believe it can be done with very strict moderation and enforcement.

Easy tiger, you can't fight dickery with dickery. Surveillance and censorship are stronger forms of dickery than trolling/bad sportspersonship.
Recently something similar was discussed at and people have discussed this many times over the years. If a website (which is very similar to lichess) were created where much more were done to limit rude behavior, I would probably stop playing here and I would only play on that website. I teach chess in schools most days of the week and I really wish lichess would offer them a more safe environment to play chess and chat with opponents. If this website would do a couple of things (also more instructions on how to use this website), I think it would be used a lot more in schools, but unfortunately I don't think that will happen.
Those are moral intentions, MoralIntentions, the very same that pave the way to authoritarian hell. Although seeing as many adults still wish to arbitrarily forbid certain combinations of syllables (words that are cursed!?) exiting other people's mouths, I guess we're already there.

I dislike compromising with the think of other people's children argument, but an account setting that makes chat and the forum unavailable to the account holder would be far easier to implement than the overarching censorship advocated.

Ironic that the OP would be deleted if james got the very strict moderation he asks for, for using the cursed! word dickery. (I prefer cuntery myself but I won't enforce it)
The only thing that bothers ME in such cases is that dick player may not see my insults thrown at him when he starts with the "word fight" because he leaves immediately.
By your stringent preferences james7, I would get banned. I, without the 'haha' have previously told someone they ought to have taken the draw (cos it was true). It's too much.

The petty trolls who say things like 'weak loser only beat me cos I wasn't paying attention' are so sad and laughable that I can ignore them. Anyone else I can just untick the chatbox.

I think most people would be against the kind of censorship you're advocating. What would this hypothetical website be called?

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