
Which chess books did you intensively study and gave you clear chess improvement in the long run ?

ECM, ECO, and Domination in 2,545 Endgame Studies by Kasparyan.

Also "How To Open A Chessgame" and "Ideas Behind the Chess Openings" weren't bad.

500 Master Games of Chess and both volumes of Alekhine's best games.

King Power in chess and Queen and Pawn Endings (plus all the specialized books).

The Chess Struggle In Practice (Bronstein's 1953 Candidates Memoir)

These got me to 2000 in 1988 at age 21 before engiens.
@GnocchiPup said in #14:
> Now, what gave me the most improvement is Dan Heisman's youtube videos. Made me realize that all the books I've read is all about chess knowledge, when my issues are with my poor chess skills.

I have looked at a few videos from Dan and I pretend that "Is your move safe" will help me to defend much better; where it is my biggest problem at this moment.

If I have some basic good results; I'll probably buy the book with the same title.

I posted comments on his videos and Dan answered all of them adding advices; I like this guy!

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