
Question for the ages...

^That's why some people think there shouldn't be cursing in the forums. I don't think any word is inherently bad, but rather the context can be bad. Still, I refrain from cursing here in consideration of you adults who think it's offensive.

There is no age restriction to join this site. There are kids here.
When Magnus Carlsen was your age, he was well on his way of becoming an IM. On the other hand, Viktor Korchnoi is in his 80's and would still be considered one of the best players on Lichess. So there's no correlation between someone's rating and his/her age, it's about innate talent and self-discipline.
Perhaps. :)

I just used him as an example for the other extreme of the age spectrum of really strong players, to show that no matter how old you are, you can still be part of the top percentile.
Yeaaahhh! There are more people my age! I didn't think there were many 11 year olds until now (well there still isn't many :( but there's another :D)
And anyway just because you're younger than someone doesn't mean you can't be better or even beat them... I've beaten people older than me :) but I lost more to older people than I've beat them :(
Whoops my frowny face isn't exactly frowning. :) I hope that's a good sign for the future. :D

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