
Who will take care (be in charge) of Lichess after Thibault (Lichess founder) dies?

Magnus Carlsen will inherit it by default, unless he is over taken in rating by Andrea Botez

In which case nothing changes really, he'll probably just be in hiding for the rest of his life
@ChessMasterGUYS said in #1:
> Who will be in charge of hosting tournaments, providing prize funds, updating new things, keeping all the Lichess patron money, etc? How can the community survive without the owner?

Maybe thibault’s daughter/son?
@justme23 said in #12:
> Making plans are you?
The maker of this thread is probably secretly plotting to assassinate the Lichess leaders and turn Lichess into his own personal empire.
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@FinishMySentence said in #29:
> What makes you think he is mortal ;)
Thibault got a boon by God that if he forever keeps his chess website free, then he is immortal!

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